Bruce Dickinson at fuel rock club


Iron Maiden’s front man, Bruce Dickinson visited Fuel on Thursday night and everyone watched as he poured a few pints of the recently installed, Trooper Red ‘N’ Black.

“We never know exactly if Bruce is going to come, but when I bumped into him backstage at a show in Barcelona, he told me to let him know when I had the new beer in, and promised to pull a few pints for us.” – Rob Toogood

Bruce hung out for most of the night at Fuel with fans comprising of a mix of both staff and customers, after seeing his son, Griff, perform with SHVPES right opposite us over in Clwb Ifor Bach

Whilst in town, he also visited Cardiff Devils, currently sponsored by Bruce’s firm, Cardiff Aviation.

You can read more about it via Louder Sound and Wales Online.

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